Inclusive & InnovativeAt CAPS, your student will receive compassionate support, individualized instruction and the opportunity to thrive in an inclusive environment.
Valentine’s Day
Observance To hide observances, go to Google Calendar Settings > Holidays in United States
Valentine’s Day
Observance To hide observances, go to Google Calendar Settings > Holidays in United States
Presidents’ Day
Public holiday
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Serving students ages 3-18 who face a variety of auditory communication challenges and needs.
Kelly Day School
For students ages 3-22 facing complex medical, physical, sensory, communication, and/or neurological challenges.
Gateway School
The CAPS flagship program for students ages 3-22 with a broad range of learning and social-emotional needs.
Senators Program
For students ages 12-22 with autism and cognitive delays who face social, sensory, and/or a variety of communication challenges.
Find Us Across Massachusetts
Thanks to the partnership of our member districts, CAPS inclusive special education programs can be found in public schools across Massachusetts. We also host some programs at our flagship location in Westminster, MA. Click on a location marker to view the program address.

Senators Middle & High School
Mahar Regional School
507 S. Main Street
Orange, MA 01364
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Elementary
J.R. Briggs Elementary School
96 Williams Rd
Ashburnham, MA 01430
Gateway Link Program
Mount Wachusett Community College
444 Green Street
Gardner, MA 01440
Gateway & Deaf & Hard of Hearing Pre-K
Kelly Day Pre-K/Early Elementary
Hubbardston Center School
8 Elm Street
Hubbardston, MA 01452
Kelly Day Upper Elementary, Middle & High School
Upper Elementary/Middle
Ruggles Lane Elementary School
105 Ruggles Lane
Barre, MA 01005
Middle/High School
Quabbin Regional High School
800 South Street
Barre, MA 01005
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Middle & High School
High School
Newton North High School
457 Walnut St
Newton, MA 01364
Middle School
Bigelow Middle School
42 Vernon Street
Newton, MA 02458
Specialty Services for Districts
When special education resources aren’t available, CAPS specialty providers are happy to support your team.
Specialty services can be contracted throughout the region in Massachusetts an beyond.