
Become a Member

Partner with a Collaborative that understands your fiscal requirements and provides the specialty resources needed to help your alternative education students thrive.

A Mutually Beneficial Partnership

Currently 12 Massachusetts districts trust CAPS to provide quality care and education to their students at an affordable price. As a member district, you’ll see up to a 25% discount on tuition rates and 5-10% off contract service rates compared to non-member pricing,  plus you’ll get to appoint a district representative to serve on our Board of Directors. Here’s how you can join our district membership:

step 1

Submit a written notice of intent to join our collaborative at least 180 days prior to the upcoming fiscal year. This should be addressed to our Board Chair and Executive Director. Please include a copy of the school committee/charter school board minutes that shows an affirmative vote to submit your notice.

step 2

 Once received, the Board Chair and Executive Director will bring the information to the full Board so they can review and vote.

step 3

If the intent to join receives a majority affirmative vote by the Board, the Collaborative Agreement will be amended to include the new district. At their discretion, they may opt to defer the admission of a new district until July 1 of the subsequent fiscal year.

step 4

You will then choose a district representative to sit on our Board which can be your superintendent or a member of your school committee. They will be warmly welcomed and officially instated at the first Board meeting of the fiscal year in which your district will become a member.

Member Responsibility Snapshot

Appointed representative will:

  • Attend and actively participate in as few as 6 meetings/year and  vote on operational and financial matters
  • Regularly update their district on collaborative information

Member district will:

  • To the extent possible, provide appropriate space to support collaborative programs in the least restrictive environment
  • Comply with all provisions of the Collaborative Agreement
  • Pay an assessment fee of $4/student in district (billed annually)

For full detail on Collaborative Governance, visit the DESE website.